When there is a medical emergency it can be challenging to determine the best course of action. While you may know you need to get medical attention, it is not always clear whether you should call the hospital or air medical escort for faster emergency transport. By considering various circumstances in advance you can prepare yourself to make the most educated decision possible during an emergency. Whether the medical emergency is happening to you, a loved one or a complete stranger you may be in the position of determining whether it is wise to call for an ambulance.
If the medical emergency involves a potential injury to the head or spine, calling an ambulance is likely the best choice. Moving a person with a head or neck injury improperly can result in permanent damage or even death. Medical professionals will have the equipment and knowledge needed to properly assist a person under these circumstances.
Another situation where calling for emergency medical transport is wise is any situation where a person has stopped breathing or lost a pulse. If CPR is necessary to keep oxygen circulating, it is often too challenging to move them with a standard vehicle. Emergency medical technicians will have the ability to work on the person while in the ambulance, allowing CPR to continue while the person is in transit.
Certain accidents, such as a broken arm, may not require emergency medical transport. If the broken limb can be safely stabilized and the injured party is coherent having a person drive them to the hospital or an urgent care clinic may be sufficient. The same can be said for a variety of strains and sprains.
Certain illnesses may not require emergency transport depending on the severity of the persons symptoms. When a person has a high fever or suffers significant vomiting or diarrhea, they may require emergency treatment but not necessarily require emergency medical transport. If the affected person is unable to move without vomiting or are experiencing head or abdominal pain to the point they are unable to stand, it may be wise to call an ambulance. This is especially true if moving the person would be physically difficult for those around them.
Ultimately, if the situation feels more complicated than you are prepared to handle, it is best to call for an ambulance. Medical professionals will often be more prepared to handle a medical emergency. They also have the ability travel quickly to get the person the aid they require more safely than a person driving a regular vehicle does.